Monday, February 27, 2012

Under the Feet of Jesus

     To go off of what Jen was saying about the dolls, I personally did not enjoy reading about it. I think that dolls are creepy in the first place, and to read about a little girl shaking the dolls head saying no? I wanted to stop reading right there. I have to admit that I am not entirely interested in the book so far, I feel like the other works that we read have been a lot more interesting. However, knowing that we are supposed to include similarities between the works that we have read, I will focus more on that aspect.
     As I had said in my previous blog, all of our books seem to have a pattern of young women trying to grow up in a changing or rough surrounding. Some of them have to deal with rape, a terrible guardian situation, poor neighborhoods, war, or depression. Those issues I would have a hard time dealing with now as an 18 yr old; I couldn't in a million years know where to begin if I was 13 and struggling with those topics. I think that this book can be related setting wise, to Bone because of the fact that Estrella and her family are in California. I think that it can relate to all of the other books because it is about a story of a girl who is realizing that she is becoming an adult.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I would agree most of our readings are about young females realizing they are becoming adults or have to become adults. Also our characters seem to be going through the lost home phase not only because most of them don't have a stable home, but because most of them are trying to form their own identiy
