Monday, February 27, 2012

Feet of Jesus: Comparing

         In looking at this novel compared to the others we have read in class I am beginning to notice that thus far, all of the novels have been written by women, and for the most part involved main characters as women. I like the age of Estrella in the novel, and that it doesn't jump around as much as others such as Breath, Eyes, Memory. I have found the descriptions in this novel to hold more weight in my mind, when giving imagery to a topic. I have liked the way she is always talking about fruits, colors, and lushness of things, but of course it never usually involves her personally.
        I have liked that it focuses primarily on her thus far, and that we really get into her head and her thoughts. The other novels have bounced around in focus, and I have enjoyed this style a lot. I also like learning about this part of California, compared to San Francisco in "Bone". I have also found a connection in this reading, as today Spanish and Mexican immigration is still a large focus that is discussed a lot, so this topic has been tied down for me in more than a few ways.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, I liked the way that she was so descriptive. I think that she does bring up some of the same personal issues in Under the Feet of Jesus that we have read about other main characters.
